Some Updated Commissions...

Vampirella, 9 X 12 inches ink on bristol board

Before I take off to Texas (again) for a few days, I thought I'd throw up a few recently-completed comic art commissions.  I will also have more posted up next week!  Thanks to all who have been very patient with me!  Inking tools information following the images...

Captain America, 11 X 17 inches on bristol board.

Hulk, 11 X 17 inches on bristol board. 

Hulk (requested theme), 11 X 17 inches on bristol board.

Hal Jordan vs. Sinestro, 9 X 12 inches on bristol board.


-regular HB mechanical pencil

-Sakura Micron pens

-Sakura PermOpaque markers for big black areas (love them) 

-Windsor & Newton Series 7 #2 size sable brush + india ink (only on Captain America for small feathering).